Electric Rescue: «nice one will play thanks»
Justine Perry: «Thanks, nice stuffs here!»
Orde Meikle: «Thanx»
Roi: «Great music here!»
Ison / Actor One | Anastasios Diolatzis: «Cygnus A is very good»
Takaaki Itoh: «Teegarden B (Original Mix) is top for me»
Matt Altman [ALT RECORDS]: «Interesting cuts here. «Messier 59″ is dope. Thanks for sending!»
XHEI: «Gran trabajo amigos !!»
Erik Pijl: «All tracks are good, thanks, will play this!!»
Vegim: «Very nice tracks. Messier 59 is the one for me»
Bluenose: «muy buenos los 4…. Los pondre !!!»
Marcel Dettmann: «thx»
Juho Kusti: «Thanks!»
Gram Negative: «Great stuff. Cygnus A stands out for me. Thanks»
LachrymaL: «Proper techno release!! Markarian 110 it’s my favourite, thanks!!.»
FadeFace: «Thanks will try!»
Matt Saderlan: «very nice, good music.»
Petar Lazovic: «10»
Kmyle: «great release, thanks i will try it! Kmyle.»
Marco Lenzi: «Very nice selection. Supporting»
Cristian Varela: «Very good! downloading for Cristian Varela..thank you very much!»
Plague: «Teegarden B for me. Thanks»
Niall Comiskey: «deep dark twisted and love it»
Immaterial.Archives: «Very nice EP»
Takaaki Itoh: «Teegarden B (Original Mix) is top for me»
Paco Osuna: «Will try thanks ;)»
A Thousand Details: «Good stuff, i dig Messier 59! Thanks gang, full support!»
MOSSED: Tremendo!!!
Allpa Puruma: Full Support!
Juan Campos: Gracias por compartir
Paula Cazenave: Nice EP, will play sure.
DSNGDMANN: «Another great ep from Isgang. Messier 59 & Fairall 9 my favorites.»
PWCCA: «Nice EP, full support!»
Downside: Hypnotizing stuff! «Markarian 110» stands out for me. Thanks for sharing.
Tell Arming: very good ep I really like its hypnotic concept
Oliver Rosemann: «Messier 59 is very good! thank you»
Markantonio: «Downloading for Markantonio, thanks for the music !»
Flug: «Messier 59 (Original mix) is nice.»
Joseph Capriati: «downloading for joseph capriati, thanks !»
Drucal: «Pure Fire»
Richie Hawtin: «downloaded for r hawtin»
Casual Treatment: «Markarian 110 & Messier 59 for me :)»
Greenbeam & Leon: «Isgang Messier 59 (Original mix)»
Aöcram: «Loopaina is killing it as always! Messier 59 for me, will play it a lot for sure ;)»
Jack Fresia – Modular Side Music: «support»

Label: Loopaina Records
Artist(s): Isgang
Remixer(s): N/A
Album/Single: Cúmulo Global
Track(s): Markarian 110, Cygnus A, Messier 59, Fairall 9 & Teegarden b
Genre: Techno
Format: Digital WAV/MP3
Catalogue Number: LPR025
Release Date: April 5th, 2023
Mastered by Loopaina Records
3% of the Loopaina Records` benefits will be destined to children autism NGOs
Messier 59, Amazing track!