01366 resident Larry Ferrari Aka Aristydes lands on Loopaina delivering a four deck session.


Cinematographic, rolling ethereal techno. Those are the words with which the Barcelona based artist Aristydes defines his driving sound. Fast paced energetic rhythms – coming from his Caribbean roots – meticulously verge into the mix with dreamy atmospheres inspired by the foggy and mountainous landscapes of Lake Garda in North Italy where he grew up.
Four decks, sexy and raw yet designed to be hypnotic his way of conceiving techno draw the listeners in for the duration making them lose sight of time and space while narrating mankind’s ancient tale of dancing around the fire at the rhythm of the bass drum.
His mixing skills have opened him the door of some of Barcelona most renowned clubs like Garage of The Bass Valley, Jaggis Techno Culture or Altlantic Club by Amnesia Ibiza. Aristydes also had the opportunity to showcase his sound internationally playing in underground venues like the Glove that Fits in London, Republika Bar in Riga and VoyVoy in Dominican Republic, where he is pioneering raw/deep/hypnotic techno sounds on the island local community.
Larry Ferrari, class ‘98, had already the pleasure to share decks with mind-alike artists forging the new generation of techno – Rene Wise, Arthur Robert, Blanka & Angioma [Room Trax], Marrøn and Windfhur [ Eerste Communie ] or Future 666 [BCCO] – among others.
To understand Aristydes standpoint on techno it has to be seen on the wider spectrum as he has travelled the world for eight years, studying International Relations and investigating- as he likes to call it – “anthropology of the dance-floor”.
The cities were he spents most of his live are New York and Barcelona, the latter where he has his residency with his collective 01366.
Larry Artistides Ferrari – his complete name – has devoted plenty of academical research on peace building and raving, specifically the applications of the human act of dancing together as a tool for conflict resolution & community creation.
He has wrote different research papers exposing how the Georgian community revived from the conflict with the help of the local techno scene, in particular the Bassiani case.
He plans into keep investigating peace building and techno in post conflict scenarios.
Catch Larry Ferrari at The Garage of the Bass Valley this 2nd of June for 01366 w/Fadi Mohem & The Lady Machine
Simone Giudice – Pace
Ruben Ganev – Scattered
Kevin Ferhati – Tantalus
Luigi Tozzi – Flesh Mechanics
Ignez – Aventurine
Orlando Voorn – Clouds of Venus
Absis – Flying Over Me
Vidrik – ID
Altinbas – Second Wind
Kabay – ID
Dist & Zisko – Ritmo de Mayo
Dark-307 – Part Select
Ketch – ID
Ignez – Seraphic
Rødhåd – Planet Der Verlorenenen (Rene Wise Remix)
Kaiser – Undulate
Radar – ID
Quelza – Tezla
Vidrik x Ketch – ID
Cravo – Gap
Kevin Ferhati – Catharsis Of Oedipus
Regent – Gradient
Blanka – Astral Dimension
Jay York – Espirito (Unreleased)
ASEC – Light in Momentary Troubles
Tsukuyomi – Fleur De Cerisier (Unreleased)
Alarico – Zack’s Deadly Race
Amotik – Judna 01
Congierge – ID
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SOUNDCLOUD: on.soundcloud.com/dBWMxqYypFLdznmJA
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/channel/UCElKUsY87I44zE3GVDJJdTg
BEATPORT: www.beatport.com/label/loopaina-records/102367
BANDCAMP: loopainarecords.bandcamp.com
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/loopainarecords
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