Today we are going to Barcelona to have a talk with the producer and deejay Eric Sän, he will tell us a little about his latest EP that we released on Loopaina Records and that will be released on February 22 and also more things…
EP PRE-ORDER on Bandcamp!
Jorge: First of all, let me tell you that it is a pleasure to be able to publish your music on our label and we are very happy with your work.
On February 22, “Escape from Humans” is released on all platforms, an EP made up of 5 tracks, loaded with hypnotic sounds with rhythms to blow up any dance floor.
What have you based on to do this work?
Eric Sän: The truth is that in this work the idea I had was to make compelling songs and focused on the dance floor
Jorge: Your track Escape from humans (Original Mix) is my favorite,
What’s yours?
Eric Sän: For me, Metamorphosis seems very psychodelic and mental as well as danceable with raw and mainly hypnotic sounds.
Jorge: It’s your first EP that we edited on Loopaina Records and we hope it’s not the last. What has led you to edit your music with us?
Eric Sän: I spoke with two active members of the label and we agreed a lot in our way of understanding Techno and the type of sounds. That’s why I decided to edit with you, I think you have potential and above all, you really want to contribute your grain of sand in Techno.
Jorge: As I told you, we are very happy with your work in the studio and we believe in the potential you have. How do you assess the current scene of Spanish producers in the scene?
Eric Sän: I think that right now Spanish artists are going strong and releasing very, very interesting things on world-renowned labels. It could be a very good year for the local scene and I think that local products should be supported more, since there is quality to hold events with very good artists.
Jorge: Once our Showcase in Madrid is over, on March 10 of this year we head to Barcelona to celebrate it at KRNL Club.
You are a member of this magnificent Line Up that we have prepared.
What do you have prepared for this great night?
Eric Sän: Well, the truth is that I still don’t have anything in mind, I’m pretty busy with dates and releases but rest assured that DJing after PWCCA I have no choice but to put everything on the grill.
Jorge: Where do you feel more comfortable? Booth or studio?
Eric Sän: The truth is that there is a time for everything, depending on the mood above all, but I really like to produce at night, with few stimuli from in the middle and click always feel like it hahaha
Jorge: What next productions will we see of yours? Any party soon where we can see you in the booth?
Eric Sän: Well now a very powerful EP will be released on the label where I work SINTETICS and just on the 10th of this month an EP that I was looking forward to came out on the Enux Records label of Mariano Dc and Octaviou, a great label.
And upcoming dates on February 17 in Barcelona at Bestial club and on the 18th at Boite de Florida 135, in March I have two more dates and things to close everything will be seen
Jorge: To finish we want to thank you again for your next EP that will be released on all platforms on February 22, and we can’t wait to see you perform on our anniversary in Barcelona.
Eric Sän: Thank you very much it’s a pleasure, you have to support local artists and the local scene!
Interview by Jorge del Río, Loopaina Records